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Thursday, October 10, 2013

October government shutdown and Obamacare start...

As of today October 10, 2013, we are still facing the government shutdown and the beginning of Obamacare.

The same day of the shutdown as millions of American I tried to create an account with the Health Care Reform Act or Obamacare, and I obtained an error message when I was transferred to Cover California (CA healthcare open market.) I waited for a few days to see if I would be able to create my account. However, I still got an error message.
Some of my clients were affected by the shutdown because some late income tax filers submitted their tax forms expecting a refund.  However,  instead some of them got a letter telling them because the shutdown will delay their tax refunds. The IRS is only processing income tax forms that have payment attached to them

Other clients that  have filed late  for prior years and expecting some tax refunds are in stand by.

Other clients are worried that their federal unemployment extension would cut any minute since they come from federal funds.

Some other clients with big retirement funds are really concerned that the default in place will definitely impact negatively.

Other wealthy clients with real estate and stock investments are concerned with the value of their investments that are going down every day that this shutdown is in place.

I can only imagine that my undocumented clients are also concerned because this political game will delay the approval of an immigration reform, which also worries me a little bit since that is income that I will lose if I don’t have new clients to process.

Going back to Obamacare, last night I was able to finely complete my account. I was able to log on and
now I only have to research for the best health care plan that suits best my needs.

What really surprises me is the fact that the political game affects the life of my clients.

For instance the states that have Republican governors reject the stimulus money or the Obama money as commonly referred. These states don’t have the nearly two year unemployment extension like California does, and they have the regular six month UI benefits.

The new health care is another example; In California the healthcare can be free for a single individual with 24K income, or only $24/ month for somebody who earns $33K.

Of course that I understand all this money won’t be forever but just long enough to help people to deal with the still weak economy.

Having drinks in Dallas TX with Hal and ex Boss KC
In my specific case I can tell you that due to the stroke I suffered last year in September 2012, I’m considered to have a pre existing condition. Last year when I called one of this health care companies I was told that my pre existing condition and that my only choice is to sign for Obamacare when it is available, I think is great that it is available now for me and for other people that needs it.

And as for the Texas exploring markets experience last month, it went well.

I think I will end up travelling a lot in the near future teaching basic accounting for individuals and taxes for small businesses all over the place in America.