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Monday, January 12, 2015

OREM office fully operational

OREM office front
2015 is here and so is the new OREM office fully operational, with our colorful Japanese pop paintings all over the office, our cable TV in every office and lobby, our lighting sing, led dynamic sign, phone lines. And lets not forget about our community business board and our free Wi Fi for our visitors.

My office
I like a lot the gardens and flowers on both sides of our office entrance, right across street of the biggest Banking company of America and a busy gas station too. Their
 customers wont miss our light sign and our LED dynamic sign.

 Certainly is was fun moving furniture and arranging all the computer equipment, running cables in
Waiting area
the attic and setting up the security cameras and take them to online world.

My office view
We have had some friends and clients checking the office out in the past few days. We already helped a few clients in the pre season. Keep in mind this Tax Season starts on January 20th, the IRS will start accepting them the same day too.

Here are some pictures of  us working hard to make our dream come true,

Robert's office
Come on and visit us and enjoy a cup of coffee and our free Wi FI.
Waiting area view